Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Portfolio nightmare!

Drawing for two days and ended up with nothing decent enough to show for it, had to use old drawings instead. Lesson learned! Can not rush a portfolio, takes time to create something decent.

Friday, 25 May 2012

Cheetah, My Favourite Cat

Drawing these makes me realise we are but just one of many species on this planet. Many of us lives in big cities where nature's presence is minimal to say the least. So much beauty often go unappreciated..
And a very sloppy run cycle

Thursday, 17 May 2012


This is probably the best 3 minutes of animation I've ever seen. Knowing a bit about animation, this scene makes my jaw drop every time, especially the last part. Can't imagine how this character animation be done in 3D, this is 2D at its best. Should really study this sequence frame by frame.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

A life story beautifully told - UP

"We came up with this image of a floating house held aloft by balloons, and it just seemed to capture what we were after in terms of escaping the world. We quickly realized that the world is really about relationships, and that’s what Carl comes to discover.”
- Pete Docter
The more I think about it, the more I find it's true. Imagine you are the only being on the planet, what would be the purpose of life then?